Fyrirlestur um bókmenntir, illsku og undirheima Evrópu
Miðvikudaginn 7. febrúar mun Florin Oprescu flytja opinberan fyrirlestur á vegum Bókmennta- og listfræðastofnunar Háskóla Íslands. Oprescu starfar sem sendilektor og stundakennari í rúmenskum bókmenntum við deild rómanskra fræða við Vínarháskóla, auk þess sem hann kennir rúmenskar bókmenntir og samanburðarbókmenntir við háskólann í Timișoara.
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn þann 7. febrúar kl. 12:00 í Auðarsal (stofu 023) í Veröld – Húsi Vigdísar. Yfirskrift fyrirlestrarins er „Landscapes from the European Underworld. Texts that Shouldn’t Have Been Written (Dostoevsky, Haushofer, Pound, Steinhardt)” og nánari kynningu á efni fyrirlestrarins og bakgrunni og störfum fyrirlesarans má sjá hér að neðan.
Um fyrirlesturinn
In the lecture I propose a brief cartography of some iconic texts from the European political prisons along the 20th century. The presentation aims to show not only the generalization and the banalization of evil along the entire century, but also the conditions of producing literature after a traumatic experience, the variety and the hybridization of literature in conditions that we could not imagine. Speaking about traumatic literature we ask ourself, if Adorno was right when suggesting that: “Nach Auschwitz ein Gedicht zu schreiben, ist barbarisch./ Writing a poem after Auschwitz is barbaric.” (Adorno, 1949). Thus, the key question of the lecture is about the meanings of literature under inhuman conditions.
Um fyrirlesarann
Florin Oprescu is Gastlektor and Privatdozent at the Institut für Romanistik at the Universität Wien and he teaches Romanian literature, Romanian Media Studies and French Postcolonial Studies. He followed BA, MA and PhD at the West University of Timișoara, Romania and at this university he teaches Romanian and comparative literature. He had research grants at the University Paris IV, Sorbonne and in Vienna. Between 2010 și 2012 he had a post-doctoral research grant over the theme „Literature and canon”. In 2017 he obtained the title of Habilitation at the Institut für Romanistik, for the domain „Romanische Literaturwissenchaft” with a thesis about „Literature and Power”. His research activity contains the following books: Model şi cataliză în lirica românească modernă (2007); (In)actualitatea lui Eminescu. Izomorfismele canonului literar (2010); Romanul românesc și morfologia puterii (2018) and Power and Literature. Strategies of Subversiveness in the Romanian Novel (2018) and scientific articles published in România, France, Austria, Germany, Italy, Finland, Poland etc.